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Grand Master Choa Kok Sui
The soul scientist

Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui, through his research and experiments, conceptualized a comprehensive method that helps cleanse and energize the energy system that permeates the physical body, thereby accelerating the rate at which the body can heal itself. Through his teachings and practical application of Pranic Healing, he demonstrated that energy is an important factor in healing not only the physical being but also the psyche.

Most of GMCKS’s spiritual experiments were conducted with his clairvoyant friends, Mang Nenet and Mang Mike, who observed and monitored the procedure and results of these experiments. Based on his experiences, Master Choa Kok Sui conceptualized, formulated and developed modern Pranic Healing as we know it today. His concepts, principles, techniques and methodologies were the result of the synthesis of deep intellectual understanding and wise intuition.

GM013 GMCKS Ashram Inauguration, India 2003-4-1.jpg

The author

The emphatic quality of GMCKS’s teaching style is clearly reflected in his books. Master Choa Kok Sui’s simple writing style, free of clutter, is adequate evidence of his simple and dynamic teaching style. His books provide a quick and in-depth overview of energy and its modern applications such as healing, good health, emotional balance, mental clarity, spiritual growth and prosperous living. His books provide much of his teachings to those who are unable to attend his classes. Through his writings, he wished to prepare the masses for a major shift in consciousness.

As various ancient “secrets” of esotericism are revealed to practitioners, they can lead fuller and stress-free lives. GMCKS has written and published 20 books that have been translated into over 27 languages ​​and deal with topics such as healing, spirituality and psychic self-defense.


People often wonder how a successful businessman and a seasoned scientist can also be an enlightened teacher. It is the perfect blend of these varied qualities that made Master Choa Kok Sui a unique spiritual teacher for our modern times. He traveled the world incessantly, teaching people from all walks of life. His distinctive quality as a teacher was his ability to bring about significant changes in the consciousness of his students. Even at the end of a two-day session, students can experience spiritual elevation, mental alertness, emotional balance and higher energy levels.

The GMCKS teaching methodology was essentially practical and worldly. Its lessons can be learned in a relatively short period of time and are applicable to various aspects of life. The teachings are relevant to all his students throughout their lives, as pranic healing addresses the real needs of daily life.



Master Choa Kok Sui often admitted that he was not born a healer but had acquired true mastery of energy through his dedicated research and love for humanity. He believed in the Law of Correspondence, which states that whatever affects the energy body or aura affects the physical body and vice versa and that whatever happens to the energy body manifests in the physical body.

Master Choa Kok Sui offered to heal participants and their loved ones on five continents. Many received instant healing from chronic physical and psychological illnesses. The remarkable level of skill that the Grand Master acquired during his lifetime is a true inspiration to all who seek to pursue pranic healing.


Students often refer to GMCKS as the “Soul Scientist.” Master Choa Kok Sui’s training in chemical engineering helped him develop testable and reproducible methods. The scientific art or artful science of modern pranic healing was developed through rigorous experimentation, research, and validation techniques over many years. Master Choa Kok Sui attempted to bridge the gap between science and spirituality by using experimental processes that were essentially scientific in nature.

Through extensive scientific research, the Grand Master developed a discipline known as “Soul Technology” that has profound, powerful, and exciting implications for the future of humanity. Part of this philosophy is presented in Attaining Oneness with the Higher Soul, formerly known as Meditation for Soul Realization. The GMCKS book, Universal and Kabbalistic Chakra Meditation on the Lord's Prayer also contains some of these principles while some teachings are passed on to senior disciples and advanced students in special workshops.

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The consultations are provided for informational purposes only and should not be treated as a firm prediction or prophecy. Pranic Healing is not intended to replace standard medicine but rather to complement it. If symptoms persist and/or the condition is severe, please consult a doctor immediately.

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