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Bring Peace and Love into your life

Meditation on Twin Hearts

“When you do Twin Heart Meditation, divine energy radiates throughout your aura. Unhealthy emotions and thoughts are expelled and the mind becomes calm and peaceful.” GMCKS

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Stressed? Tired?

Difficulty controlling your emotions and thoughts?

Difficulties in your relationships?

Feelings of losing yourself or no longer recognizing yourself?

Or simply want to invite even more love, happiness, peace and focus into your life?

Life today can be very difficult especially if we do not have tools to take care of ourselves, to allow us to refocus and evacuate our negative emotions and stress!

Meditation is one of its tools. A lot of scientific studies have been conducted and have proven the benefits of meditation for our general well-being.

The Twin Hearts Meditation, developed by GMCKS, is an advanced and very powerful meditation. It includes elements of benevolence, peace, self-healing, elevation of consciousness, increase of clarity and intuition. It therefore helps to improve your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Currently practiced around the world by tens of thousands of people of different religions and origins, Twin Hearts meditation is extraordinary in all simplicity with astonishing and dramatic results.

Note: If you would like to organize a meditation introduction, stress management program, or weekly event in your company or neighborhood, please contact the person in charge of your country! We are listening to you and will be happy to help you in this process.

Benefits of Twin Hearts Meditations

Stressed Woman

Reduction of stress, anxiety and depression

It helps to disintegrate unwanted emotions and thought forms in your chakras and aura.

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Sharper mind and greater happiness

Once unwanted thought forms and emotions are out of your system, your mind becomes clear and your emotions more refined.

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Improve your relationships

By blessing the entire earth with love and kindness, you will be filled with loving energy. This love brings harmony into your relationships.

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Health improvement

Once the divine energy flows through you, it naturally flushes out the exhausted and unwanted energies from your system. So after meditation, you feel much lighter.


Become a divine channel

Meditation creates an opportunity for you to become a channel to bless every person every being on earth with a better life.


Increase Luck

Once you make yourself available to serve, you create a lot of good karma that manifests in life as good fortune.

Resource: Globalpranichealing

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